Indian Institute of Science (IISc)

Demo 06

Stereovision- experiencing the science behind 3D vision

  By Biplab Nath, Neelam Verma

Stereovision- experiencing the science behind 3D vision

Optics and Microfluidics Instrumentation Lab

Delve into the world of stereovision with our interactive demonstration, where you'll experience the science behind 3D vision firsthand! Stereovision, the ability to perceive depth and dimensionality, is a remarkable feat of the human visual system. Through a series of engaging experiments and optical illusions, we'll reveal how our brain combines the slightly different views from each eye to create a single, three-dimensional image. You'll gain insight into how stereovision is essential for tasks like judging distances, perceiving shapes, and experiencing depth in movies and virtual reality. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of stereovision and discover the fascinating science behind our perception of the world in three dimensions.