Indian Institute of Science (IISc)

Demo 11

Atomic force Microscope with optical beam Deflection

  By Sagnik Acharya, Manish

Atomic force Microscope with optical beam Deflection

Nano Meterology Lab

Dive into the world of nanoscale imaging with our demonstration featuring an atomic force microscope (AFM) equipped with optical beam deflection technology! The AFM is a powerful tool used to image and manipulate materials at the atomic level. In this demonstration, you'll witness the AFM's capabilities as it scans and maps the surface of a sample with incredibly high resolution. The optical beam deflection system enhances the AFM's sensitivity, allowing it to detect minute forces between the probe and the sample surface. Through live imaging and interactive displays, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how the AFM works and its applications in materials science, biology, and nanotechnology. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the nanoscale world and explore the cutting-edge technology of atomic force microscopy.