Indian Institute of Science (IISc)

Demo 08

Light Sheet Microscopy and Super Resolution Microscopy : Overview and Applications

  By Neeraj Pant, Aravinth S

Light Sheet Microscopy and Super Resolution Microscopy : Overview and Applications

Nano Bioimaging Lab

Join us for an in-depth exploration of Light Sheet Microscopy and Super Resolution Microscopy in our poster presentation, where we'll provide a comprehensive overview of these advanced imaging techniques and their wide-ranging applications. Light Sheet Microscopy, also known as selective plane illumination microscopy, offers fast and high-resolution imaging of biological samples with minimal photo damage, making it ideal for live cell imaging and developmental biology studies. On the other hand, Super Resolution Microscopy techniques, such as STED (stimulated emission depletion) and SIM (structured illumination microscopy), surpass the diffraction limit of light, enabling the visualization of structures at the nanoscale. We'll delve into the principles behind these techniques, showcase their capabilities through stunning images, and discuss their applications in neuroscience, cell biology, and materials science. Don't miss this opportunity to learn about the cutting-edge imaging technologies shaping modern research!